Monday 11 May 2015

OCEJWCD - 4.The Servlet's environment (part1)

OCEJWCD (SCWCD) - 1Z0-899 - Web Component Developer Certification

4.1. Understand more details of the HTTP protocol
HTTP protocol is used to transfer resources between a client and a server. 
HTTP is stateless.
The information is identified by URL (uniform resource locator).
URL structure: protocol://machine:port/context/resource
Methods in HTTP
  • HEAD : get metainfo contained in headers
  • GET : get a resource from the server
  • POST : send data included in the body to the server to be processed (get,add or update)
  • PUT :  send a resource(file) to the server by a new connection.
  • DELETE: delete a resource
  • TRACE : to obtain a response code from the server
  • OPTIONS : to obtain http methods supported
  • CONNECT : to transform connection to https
  • PATCH : to modify partially a resource in the server.
Response codes in HTTP
The most common are:
  • 4XX - Error in client side
  • 5XX - Error in server

4.2. Understand fundamentals of HTML forms
A html form has these attributes:
- action :  resource
- method : GET or POST
  • GET : add form data to the URL using ? as separator (QueryString)
  • POST : the data is sent into the body.

The above form contains these different elements:
  • Textfield
  • Radiobutton
  • Checkbox
  • Buttons
  • SelectionList
  • TextArea
When the submit button is clicked the form-data is sent to a page on the server called "order.jsp"

See next post The Servlet's Environment (part2)

OCEJWCD (SCWCD) - 1Z0-899 - Web Component Developer Certification

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