Sunday, 8 March 2015

OCEJWCD - certification in web component developer JavaEE6

OCEJWCD (SCWCD) - 1Z0-899 - Web Component Developer Certification

This is the certification I am currenty studying :  Oracle certified Expert in Web Component Developer.
I will be sharing in following posts the summaries about the different topics that I am working on.
I hope it will be a useful resource for reference and review. But overall I recommend a good book and coding as you learn: a good combination of reading and practice.
For preparing this certification these are the materials I am currently using :

  • Book HeadFirst Servlets & JSP (O'Reilly). Authors: Bryan Basham, Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates.
  • Servlets 3.0 specification (JSR-000315)

For practicing the exam:
  • I will buy the full version of mock Exams Enthuware (there is also a trial version).
  • The book HeadFirst Servlets & JSP also includes a final mock exam in the appendix.
Also taking a look to the forum JavaRanch is always recommendable, because in this site people share their experiences with the exam, share common doubts, and contains useful resources.
The requirements for this certification is to have passed OCPJP (formely SCPJP). It is the most common certification to start after passing the JavaSE certification, and it is a good point to start with JavaEE certification path.
The existing certifications for JavaEE 6 currently are:
There are analogous certifications for J2EE 1.5 but I think it is worthy to go directly for the latest version available in the exams, in this case 6 (take into account the latest version in JavaEE is 7).

In you can find further information.
Specifically for OCEWCD the main details of the exam are:
  • Number of questions: 57
  • Passing score: 64%
  • Duration: 140 min
OCEJWCD (SCWCD) - 1Z0-899 - Web Component Developer Certification


  1. can you share some study materials for preparing for this exam, if you have please email me at Thanks for the info.

  2. Hi, I have just published a new post here with all the links and resources that you can use for preparing the certification.
    I hope it helps, best of luck!
