Monday 25 May 2015

OCEJWCD.- 7.Developing JSP pages

OCEJWCD (SCWCD) - 1Z0-899 - Web Component Developer Certification
7.1. Undestand the origins, benefits, and weaknesses of JSPs
  • JSP combines static HTML with dynamic content.
  • JSP contains the view separately from logic.
  • JSP are compiled as servlet when requested
  • Using tags java beans can be managed, without complex logic code.
  • Tag libraries can be customized
7.2. Describe JSP technology, the conversion of JSPs to servlets, and the lifecycle of JSPs

JSP lifecycle in detail in this post: ocewcd-2-introduction-to-java-server

7.3. Understand JSP scripting elements, declarations and directives

-Page <%@ page ... %> instructions in the current JSP
-include <%@ include ... %> include a file during translation phase
-tab library <%@ taglib ... %> define custom JSP tags

7.4. Use JSP implicit variables
  • application -- servletContext
  • config -- servletConfig
  • exception -- Exception object
  • out -- PrintWriter
  • page -- this
  • request -- HttpServletRequest
  • response -- HttpServletResponse
  • session -- HttpSession
7.5. Understand and use jsp:tags

OCEJWCD (SCWCD) - 1Z0-899 - Web Component Developer Certification

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