Thursday 22 June 2017

OCEJBCD - Resources to study JavaBeans cert

OCEJBCD (SCBCD) - 1Z0-895 - Enterprise JavaBeans Developer Certification

This is a summary of available resources that I used to prepare the Oracle JavaEE6 Java beans certification.
  • Oracle JavaEE6 tutorial This tutorial is essential to me for every JavaEE certification. It contains all the topics, examples and it is one of the resources I most usually query.
  • JavaRanch links JavaBeans section This a section for the java beans certifications in the well known site for java programmers javaRanch. In this links section you have all the information regarding the certification. Also it links to 2 free guides (I used the first one). 
  • Enthuware This is another essential resource to prepare the exam. The books/tutorials and guides are important for the studying but when you are preparing the exam you need to complement with mock exams. I bought the web version (you have access during 6 months).
  • O'Reilly Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1. This is the book I bought in paper format. It is a book I recommend because it covers most of the certification topics and has plenty of examples. Not all the chapters are needed in the certification, it has several sections dedicated to JPA which is not applicable to the exam.
OCEJBCD (SCBCD) - 1Z0-895 - Enterprise JavaBeans Developer Certification

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