Thursday, 22 June 2017

Java 8 certification - upgrade

It is only 34 days until the Java 9 is released. To be updated about this you can check this countdown.

That is why I will include in the blog new entries to cover the new topics included in Java 8 certification because I think it would be high time to upgrade the java knowledge. Java 8 first released appeared on March 2014, and the first beta certification exam was available one year after, so it is likely to happen the same with the next version.

Java 8 it has supposed a big jump from previous version java 7 introducing Lambdas, streams and functional programming. 

There are several ways to obtain Java8 certification:

- If you do not have any previous Java certification. The steps to be Java SE 8 Professional certified would be to pass this 2 exams:

  • 1Z0-808 Java SE8 Programmer I
  • 1Z0-809 Java SE8 Programmer II

- If you are certified in Java 7 you can take a unique exam to upgrade the certification.
  • 1Z0-810 Upgrade Java SE 7 to Java SE 8 OCP Programmer

- If you are certified in Java 6 or any other previous version you can upgrade to Java 8 with only one exam that will include the same topics as the the previous but also including additional topics included in Java 7 as language enhancements, NIO2, concurrency and localization.
  • 1z0-813 Upgrade to Java SE 8 OCP ( Java SE 6 and all prior versions)

Java 8 certification - upgrade from Java7

150 min

60 questions
65 % passing score

1. Lambda Expressions
1.1. Describe and develop code that uses Java inner classes, including nested class, static class, local class, and anonymous classes
1.2. Describe and write functional interfaces
1.3. Describe a lambda expression; refactor the code that uses an anonymous inner class to use a lambda expression; describe type inference and target typing
2. Using Built-in Lambda Types
2.1. Describe the interfaces of the java.util.function package
2.2. Develop code that uses the Function interface
2.3. Develop code that uses the Consumer interface
2.4. Develop code that uses the Supplier interface
2.5. Develop code that uses the UnaryOperator interface
2.6. Develop code that uses the Predicate interface
2.7. Develop code that uses the primitive and binary variations of the base interfaces of the java.util.function package
2.8. Develop code that uses a method reference, including refactoring a lambda expression to a method reference
3. Java Collections and Streams with Lambdas
3.1. Develop code that iterates a collection by using the forEach() method and method chaining
3.2. Describe the Stream interface and pipelines
3.3. Filter a collection by using lambda expressions
3.4. Identify the operations, on stream, that are lazy
4 Collection Operations with Lambda

4.1. Develop code to extract data from an object by using the map() method
4.2. Search for data by using methods such as findFirst(), findAny(), anyMatch(), allMatch(), and noneMatch()
4.3. Describe the unique characteristics of the Optional class
4.4. Perform calculations by using Java Stream methods, such as count(), max(), min(), average(), and sum()
4.5. Sort a collection by using lambda expressions
4.6. Develop code that uses the Stream.collect() method and Collectors class methods, such as averagingDouble(), groupingBy(), joining(), and partitioningBy()
5. Parallel Streams
5.1. Develop code that uses parallel streams
5.2. Implement decomposition and reduction in streams
6. Lambda Cookbook
6.1. Develop code that uses Java SE 8 collection improvements, including Collection.removeIf(), List.replaceAll(), Map.computeIfAbsent(), and Map.computeIfPresent() methods
6.2. Develop code that uses Java SE 8 I/O improvements, including Files.find(), Files.walk(), and lines() methods
6.3. Use flatMap() methods in the Stream API
6.4. Develop code that creates a stream by using the and IntStream.range() methods
7. Method Enhancements
7.1. Add static methods to interfaces
7.2. Define and use a default method of an interface and describe the inheritance rules for the default method
8. Use Java SE 8 Date/Time API
8.1. Create and manage date- and time-based events, including a combination of date and time in a single object, by using LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, Instant, Period, and Duration
8.2. Work with dates and times across time zones and manage changes resulting from daylight savings, including Format date and times values
8.3. Define, create, and manage date- and time-based events using Instant, Period, Duration, and TemporalUnit

9. Javascript on Java with Nashorn
9.1. Develop Javascript code that creates and uses Java members such as Java objects, methods, JavaBeans, Arrays, Collections, Interfaces.
9.2. Develop code that evaluates Javascript in java, passes java object to Javascript, invokes Javascript function and call methods on javascript objects.
* Note these are the topics to upgrade your certification from Java 7. In case you are java certified in Java 6 or previous versions there are extra topics included in the exam: Language enhancements, concurrency, localization, NIO.2.

OCEJBCD - Resources to study JavaBeans cert

OCEJBCD (SCBCD) - 1Z0-895 - Enterprise JavaBeans Developer Certification

This is a summary of available resources that I used to prepare the Oracle JavaEE6 Java beans certification.
  • Oracle JavaEE6 tutorial This tutorial is essential to me for every JavaEE certification. It contains all the topics, examples and it is one of the resources I most usually query.
  • JavaRanch links JavaBeans section This a section for the java beans certifications in the well known site for java programmers javaRanch. In this links section you have all the information regarding the certification. Also it links to 2 free guides (I used the first one). 
  • Enthuware This is another essential resource to prepare the exam. The books/tutorials and guides are important for the studying but when you are preparing the exam you need to complement with mock exams. I bought the web version (you have access during 6 months).
  • O'Reilly Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1. This is the book I bought in paper format. It is a book I recommend because it covers most of the certification topics and has plenty of examples. Not all the chapters are needed in the certification, it has several sections dedicated to JPA which is not applicable to the exam.
OCEJBCD (SCBCD) - 1Z0-895 - Enterprise JavaBeans Developer Certification