Sunday, 23 October 2016

OCEJBCD - Perform EJB Exception Handling

OCEJBCD (SCBCD) - 1Z0-895 - Enterprise JavaBeans Developer Certification

EJB container considers two exception types:

  • System Exceptions
  • Application Exceptions

System Exceptions .- internal errors

  • EJBException is a subclass of java.lang.RuntimeException
  • They always cause a rollback in transactions.
  • Runtime exceptions are unchecked exceptions, so they are thrown from the method (not need to throws or try/catch clauses)
  • Way the container hands system exceptions:
    • Roll back transaction
    • Log exception
    • Discard EJB instance
  • The EJB wraps the exception into RemoteException and throws it to the client.
  • If the client started the application and it was propagated to the EJB, the system exception will be rethrown as EJBTransactionRolledbackException

Application Exceptions.- errors in the business logic

  • The do not cause a rollback by default. To rollback the transaction automatically it can be used the annotation @ApplicationException(rollback=true), or doing it explicity with a call the method setRollbackOnly()
  • They are sent to the client directly. The container does not wrap the exception.

OCEJBCD (SCBCD) - 1Z0-895 - Enterprise JavaBeans Developer Certification

1 comment:

  1. Hi, in some cases you are not able to prevent transaction rollback with @ApplicationException(rollback=false). When transaction will be marked as rollbackOnly. For example for unique constraint exception.
    Even if it goes through exception handler and is rethrowed as @ApplicationException.
    It can be bypassed by adding subtransactions (new session), but it's not a pretty solution.
