Sunday, 14 February 2016

Configuring a JMS environment

In this post we will see how to create a JMS administered objects (connection factory and a destination) in a glassfish server.

The server must be running.

We can see in properties that the admin port is 4848. So the administration console can be opened in a browser with the URL : http://localhost:4848

To start configuring JMS we need to define a connection factory

The connection factory interface is an administered object, used to create the connection with the JMS provider.

So, select Resources/JMSResource/ConnectionFactories/ New:

In this new window complete:
- PoolName
- ResourceType
- Description
- Check the enabled status
- The pool settings can be left as by default.

Click OK

Now, that the connectionFactory has been created, it is necessary define a destination resource (it could be destination, queue or topic). In this example we will define a JMS point to point  so we will select queue:

Select Resources/JMSResource/DestinationResources/ New:

In this new window complete:
- JNDIName
- Physical Destination Name
- ResourceType : select javax.jms.Queue
- Check the enabled status
Click OK

Now JMS resources have been defined in the server, and we can use them to handle messaging in our application.

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