Sunday, 28 February 2016

OCEJBCD -7.Developing Message-Driven Beans

OCEJBCD (SCBCD) - 1Z0-895 - Enterprise JavaBeans Developer Certification

7.1. Understand the short-comings of using session beans as messaging consumers

Using a session bean as consumer has the problem of blocking server resources, because it will be a synchronous process (instead of asynchronous processing with message-driven bean ).

Using session bean receive() method will block the thread indefinitely until the message becomes available :

Message m = consumer.receive()

How to handle the blocking synchronous problem with session bean? Using a timed synchronous receive.

A parameter can be used to indicate the time waiting the message to arrive:
Message m = consumer.receive(1); //time in milliseconds
Message m = consumer.receiveNoWait();

See an example of Writing the Clients for the Synchronous Receive.

7.2. Describe the properties and life cycle of message-driven beans

7.3. Create a JMS message-driven bean

To create a message-driven bean the bean class:
  • is annotated with @MessageDriven
    • @ActivationConfigProperty Settings(*):
      • Acknownledge_Mode
        • Auto-Acknownledge
        • Client-Acknownledge
        • Dups-ok-aknownledge
      • DestinationType
        • Queue
        • Topic
      • Subscription durability
        • Durable
        • Non-durable
      • ClientId
      • SusbscriptionName
      • MessageSelector 
      • AddressList
  • implements MessageListener inteface
  • overrides onMessage() method

(*)Example of @ActivationConfigProperty configuration:
@MessageDriven(mappedName = "jms/Topic", activationConfig =  {
    @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "messageSelector",
            propertyValue = "NewsType = 'Sports' ")
    , @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "subscriptionDurability",
            propertyValue = "Durable")
    , @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "clientId",
            propertyValue = "MyID")
    , @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "subscriptionName",
            propertyValue = "MySub")

There is an example of a message-driven bean class at the last section of this post.

7.4. Create life cycle event handlers for a JMS message-driven bean

See this post : Configuring a JMS environment, to know how to configure a server and include jms resources as connection factory and destination

Once the connection factory and the destination(Queue or topic) have been created, we can use dependency injection to use them in our message beans
  • Connection factory
private QueueConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
  • Destination

private Queue queue;

With the connectionFactory we can define the context to create the producer and the consumer.
  • Connection and Session
Connection con = connectionFactory.createConnection();
Session session = con.createSession(true,0);
  • MessageProducer
MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(topic);
  • Message types(TextMessage, MapMessage, ObjectMessage and others).
TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage();

7.5. Configure a JMS message-driven bean

Here is an example of using a message-driven bean:

  • A client where the user request to send a message (with a jsp page and a servlet, in the same way as examples described in previous posts : calling a session bean from a servlet).
  • A session bean (stateless) that will define a producer that put the message in the JMS queue.
  • A message-driven bean that will consume the message from the queue.

Session bean:

Message bean:

When executing the application in our configured server:
Write a message in the textarea and submit the message.
In the log can be read the producer sending the message and the consumer receiving it:
producer sends the message...
consumer receives message...

OCEJBCD (SCBCD) - 1Z0-895 - Enterprise JavaBeans Developer Certification

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Configuring a JMS environment

In this post we will see how to create a JMS administered objects (connection factory and a destination) in a glassfish server.

The server must be running.

We can see in properties that the admin port is 4848. So the administration console can be opened in a browser with the URL : http://localhost:4848

To start configuring JMS we need to define a connection factory

The connection factory interface is an administered object, used to create the connection with the JMS provider.

So, select Resources/JMSResource/ConnectionFactories/ New:

In this new window complete:
- PoolName
- ResourceType
- Description
- Check the enabled status
- The pool settings can be left as by default.

Click OK

Now, that the connectionFactory has been created, it is necessary define a destination resource (it could be destination, queue or topic). In this example we will define a JMS point to point  so we will select queue:

Select Resources/JMSResource/DestinationResources/ New:

In this new window complete:
- JNDIName
- Physical Destination Name
- ResourceType : select javax.jms.Queue
- Check the enabled status
Click OK

Now JMS resources have been defined in the server, and we can use them to handle messaging in our application.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Java Web Component Developer Certification OCEJWCD at a glance

OCEJWCD (SCWCD) - 1Z0-899 - Web Component Developer Certification

This post a is summary of info related Oracle JavaEE6 web component certification with all info available in this blog and other useful links:


  • Exam:

    Further resources:

    • Books. I used HeadFirst Servlets & JSP (O'Reilly), but there are others like OCEJWCD Study Companion recommended in javaRanch.                    
    • Servlets 3.0 specification. You can download the JSR-000315 from here      
    • Java EE 6 API here                                                                                           
    • MockExams
      • Enthuware : there is trial version and full version.
      • Whizlabs : there is a free test and tests under purchase.

    Good luck!

    OCEJWCD (SCWCD) - 1Z0-899 - Web Component Developer Certification

    Friday, 5 February 2016


    Nowadays it is quite common to hear about the microservices architecture. What is the meaning behind the concept of microservices? Why is it changing the way of building software? I will try to summarize in this post the basic notions about microservices.

    A valid definition of Microservice can be the functionality that is deployable independently, for building a system in a modular way.

    Traditionally the projects in an organization are characterized by being monolithic. That means a project or group of projects with their dependences that are deployed as one entity. These projects share a database and are coded using the same language.

    On the other hand, microservices will have their own services and their own database. Also they do not need to use the same language, so the best technology can be used for each problem.

    Microservices architecture also solves a problem related with scalability. In a monolithic architecture as the project increases it needs more hardware resources (servers or containers).

    There is a very popular article about microservices in the Martin Fowler blog:
    Some main ideas about microservices:

    • Service oriented
    • Products instead of projects.
    • Smart endpoints and dump pipes communication pattern. Note :To know more about the meaning of this pattern you can read this explanation from stackoverflow. This pattern is the opposite to the use of enterprise service bus (ESB).
    • Microservices involves a team will be responsible of development, build, deployment, maintenance.
    • Decentralized data managementMicroservices uses their own database. Managing distributed transactions can be a drawback, due to the need of synchronizing data.
    • Design for failure: it means that if one component fails it does not affect the others.
    • Infrastructure automation: Continous deployment, a change only requires deploying the microservice, not all the application as in monolithic architectures.