Saturday 24 January 2015

JSR - Java Specification Request

JSR is the acronym of Java specification request. They are a set of specifications about new functionality that are added to the Java platform, after being approved by JCP (Java Community Process).

Latest version of Java and JSR:
  • JSR337 - JavaSE8 (standard edition)
  • JSR342 - JavaEE7 (enterprise edition)

The latest version of JavaSE is Java8. It was launched last year (2014) and contains plenty of new changes respect from the previous version. It includes among other specs:
  • JSR 335: Lambda Expressions for the Java Programming Language (OpenJDK Project Lambda)
  • SR 310: Date and Time API
  • Nashorn javascript 
  • Improved security

Project "Adopt a JSR"
They are projects leaded by Java User Groups (JUG), that promote that Java developers community be involved in the implementation in the scpecification JSRs that will configure the Java future versions.

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